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The robotics industry is constantly changing and evolving. New robotics technologies and developments in automation are quickly creating exciting career opportunities at every education level – from micro-credentials to PhDs. Here is where you can learn more about robotics careers in manufacturing and how these new technologies are benefiting workers


Do You Already Have Robotics Skills

July 18, 2022

A lot of people who are interested in a career in robotics are intimidated by what they think the requirements are for a job in the field. The truth is, you might already have skills that have prepared you for a job working with robots.

In this article, we'll take a look at some of those skills and how they translate to real world robotics applications. You might be closer to a job in robotics than you think.

Mechanical Robotics Skills

One of the most important skills required for many robotics jobs is a mechanical aptitude. This includes an understanding of how machines work and being able to fix them when they break down.

This robotic skill is important because robots are, at their core, machines. They are made up of moving parts that need to be maintained and repaired when they break.

If you have experience working with mechanical systems, then you already have a skill that is transferable to robotics.

For example, have you ever looked forward to spending a weekend working on your car or repairing its engine? Perhaps you've taken apart a broken appliance to see how it works, and then got it working again. Or maybe you did your own bicycle tune-up. 

These are all examples of mechanical skills that can be transferred to working with robots.

Robotic Programming Skills

Another important skill required for many robotics jobs is programming. This includes being able to write code that tells a robot what to do.

These robotic skills are important because, as robots become more and more advanced, they are controlled increasingly by software. This means that those who can write code to control robots will be in high demand.

If you have experience programming, then you already have a skill that is transferable to robotics.

For example, maybe you've written a computer game or app. Or maybe you've automated a task at work by writing a script. 

These are both examples of programming skills that can be transferred to working with robots.

Electrical Robotics Skills

Another important skill required for many robotics jobs is electrical skills. This includes an understanding of how electricity works and being able to wire and solder components.

This skill is important because robots are powered by electrical systems, and knowing how those electrical systems work is a key component to maintenance and troubleshooting. 

If you have experience working with electrical systems, then you already have a skill that is transferable to a robotics job.

For example, maybe you've wired your house for sound or installed a new light fixture.     Or maybe you've built a computer from scratch. If so, then maybe robotics is your true calling.

Soft Skills

While the above robotics skills are all technical in nature, it's also important to have what are known as "soft" skills. These are interpersonal skills that will help you succeed in any job, including robotics.

Some examples of soft skills include communication, problem solving, and teamwork.

These skills are important because they will help you succeed not just in your job, but also in life. If you can communicate effectively, solve problems efficiently, and work well with others, then you will be an asset to any team.

Do You Have The Needed Robotic Skills?

Now that we've looked at some of the skills required for a job in robotics, it's time to ask yourself: do you have what it takes?

If you have any of the skills we've listed above, then the answer is probably yes. So don't be discouraged if you don't have a degree in engineering or experience working with robots. In fact, an entry level robotics technician position generally requires a 2-year degree or trade school certification.

If you're already skilled in some of the areas mentioned above, then you already have a head start! For the rest, just head to the search tool on the homepage and search through our database of thousands of the best robotics schools located all around the country. From there, you can find the perfect robotics training program to help you get the rest of the skills you need for an exciting career that will take you to amazing places.


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