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The robotics industry is constantly changing and evolving. New robotics technologies and developments in automation are quickly creating exciting career opportunities at every education level – from micro-credentials to PhDs. Here is where you can learn more about robotics careers in manufacturing and how these new technologies are benefiting workers


What Does A Robotics Engineer Do?

April 12, 2023

Robotics engineering is an exciting field that has seen tremendous growth in recent years. From manufacturing to robotic surgeries, robotics engineers are at the forefront of designing and developing robots that can perform a wide range of tasks. You may be wondering, however, what does a robotics engineer do, exactly? Learn more about this career path and how you can take on this role for yourself. 

Understanding the Role of a Robotics Engineer

Robotics engineers design, build and program robots. They work with a range of technologies, including electronics, mechanics, and software, to create robots that can move, sense, and respond to their environment. Robotics engineers may work on a variety of projects, from industrial robots used in manufacturing to robots used in space exploration.

The Skills Required for a Career in Robotics Engineering

To become a robotics engineer, one needs to have a strong background in math, physics, and computer science. In addition to technical skills, robotics engineers need to have strong problem-solving skills, be creative and have excellent communication skills to work collaboratively with team members. To do what a robotics engineer does, you’ll need to learn both hard and soft skills, across math, science, engineering and more.

The Robotics Engineering Design Process

The robotics engineering design process involves several stages, including conceptual design, detailed design, prototyping, testing, and production. Robotics engineers use CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software to design and simulate the robot before it is built. They also use programming languages such as C++ and Python to program the robot's movements and behaviors. This application of skills is crucial to what a robotics engineer does, as the process of creating new robotics needs vision and effort in equal measure.

Applications of Robotics Engineering

Robotics engineering is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses a wide range of industries, from manufacturing to healthcare and space exploration. As such, robotics engineers can find employment opportunities in various industries, each with its unique set of challenges and applications of robotics. What a robotics engineer does may differ from employer to employer, but a few of the most common fields to work in are listed below.


One of the most common industries where robotics engineers work is manufacturing. In manufacturing, robots are used to perform repetitive tasks that would otherwise be too dangerous or difficult for human workers. Robotics engineers design and program these robots to work alongside humans, increasing productivity and efficiency in the manufacturing process. Industrial robots are used to assemble products, move heavy objects, and perform quality control checks. The automotive industry, for example, relies heavily on robotics engineers to design and program robots to perform tasks such as painting, welding, and assembly.


The healthcare industry is another area where robotics engineering has made significant advancements in recent years. Medical robots are used in surgeries to perform precise movements, reducing the risk of human error and improving patient outcomes. Robotics engineers design and program these robots to perform tasks such as incisions, suturing, and organ removal. Robotic exoskeletons are also being developed to help patients with mobility issues regain their independence. These devices are designed to assist patients with walking and movement, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. What a robotics engineer does in the healthcare field may be a bit more human-focused than engineers within the manufacturing industry, as the well-being of patients is directly on the line if a robot malfunctions.

Space Exploration

The field of space exploration is another area where robotics engineering plays a crucial role. Space exploration requires robots that can perform complex tasks in challenging environments, such as on other planets or in space. Robotics engineers design and program these robots to perform tasks such as collecting samples, analyzing data, and conducting experiments. These robots must be able to withstand extreme temperatures, radiation, and other environmental factors that could damage their systems. NASA's Mars rover, for example, was designed and programmed by robotics engineers to explore the surface of Mars, collecting data and images that have greatly expanded our understanding of the planet.


Transportation is another industry where robotics engineering is making significant strides. Autonomous cars, drones, and robots are being developed to transform transportation and logistics. Robotics engineers design and program these vehicles to navigate roads, avoid obstacles, and interact with other vehicles and pedestrians. Autonomous cars, for example, use a combination of sensors, cameras, and GPS to navigate roads safely and efficiently. Drones are being developed for package delivery, agriculture, and surveillance, among other applications.

Robotics engineers play a crucial role in designing and developing robots that can perform tasks that would otherwise be difficult, dangerous, or impossible for humans to perform. From manufacturing to healthcare, space exploration, transportation, and military robotics programs, the demand for robotics engineers continues to grow as technology advances. 

Pursuing a robotics engineering career requires strong technical skills, problem-solving abilities, creativity, and a passion for innovation. If you are interested in designing and developing robots that can change the world, a career in robotics engineering may be the right path for you.

The Manufacturing industry is in major need of skilled robotics workers, including robotics technicians, robot specialists, and robot integrators. So what are you waiting for? Get started and find the program for you!

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