Jobs Available near Paramount, California
If you’re looking for a job near Paramount, California onsite, online or a hybrid of both, then you’ve come to the right place. Below you will find a list of jobs to help you in your future career in the growing field of robotics in manufacturing. Click on a job below to learn more and make sure to explore all of our career opportunities.
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Discover Your Career Pathway
The ARM Competency Building Blocks have been vetted by industry and were designed in partnership with ARM’s 250+ member organizations that span industry, government development organizations, and academia including community colleges, universities, trade schools and other training organizations. The Building Blocks outline the robotics skills needed for a career in Industry 4.0 and illustrate how workers can build off of existing skills. Through these building blocks, ARM has defined three primary jobs in robotics in manufacturing: Robotics Technician, Robotics Specialist, and Robotics Integrator. Each position has a critical role in manufacturing with complementary, but distinct skills and training requirements.
Levels of Competencies
Advanced Robotics in Manufacturing offers opportunities for job seekers at every level. Find your fit here and discover the competencies and skills that are encompassed within these three pathways. Discover the skills you have or would like to improve in order to find your path in robotics.