Get started with Robotics at Berea College

Berea College, founded by ardent abolitionists and radical reformers, continues today as an educational institution still firmly rooted in its historic purpose “to promote the cause of Christ.” Adherence to the College’s scriptural foundation, “God has made of one blood all peoples of the earth” (Acts 17:26), shapes the College’s culture and programs so that students and staff alike can work toward both personal goals and a vision of a world shaped by Christian values, such as the power of love over hate, human dignity and equality, and peace with justice. This environment frees persons to be active learners, workers, and servers as members of the academic community and as citizens of the world. The Berea experience nurtures intellectual, physical, aesthetic, emotional, and spiritual potentials and with those the power to make meaningful commitments and translate them into action.

Contact Information

101 Chestnut St, Berea, 40403
(859) 985-3020

What Berea College can offer you.

Hands-on education coupled with strong analysis and design sets apart Northern Kentucky University . Graduates gain skills to analyze, design, apply, and troubleshoot systems with electronic, digital, analog, microcontroller, software, and mechanical components. The combination of practical and theoretical education lead to graduates with agile technical skills throughout a wide range of applications

Contact Berea College

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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