Get started with Robotics at Southwest Vermont Career Development Center

The Southwest VT Regional Technical School District is committed to career and lifelong learning to prepare secondary and post secondary students for career and lifelong learning in a rapidly changing world. The Southwest Tech is located in Historic Bennington, Vermont. It serves high school and adult students from the southwestern region of Vermont and adjacent New York and Massachusetts. We serve high school students from: Arlington, Bennington, Dorset, Glastenbury, Manchester, North Bennington, Pownal, Readsboro, Sandgate, Searsburg, Shaftsbury, Sunderland, Twin Valley, and Woodford. We currently offer 20 technical programs and related classes that occupy our state of the art facility by day. In the afternoons, evenings and online, a wide variety of adult education offerings are also available.

Contact Information

321 Park Street, Bennington, Vermont 05201
(802) 447-0220

What Southwest Vermont Career Development Center can offer you.

Technical education, at its best, teaches success, encourages lifelong learning, and provides opportunities to go beyond one's academic training. We believe that: Every individual has a need for and a right to career education. Each student has unique talents, interests and needs. Learning must be active and experiential, project based and an integration of academic with vocational/technical skills. The curriculum must be flexible and must encourage each person to develop to their fullest capacity. We are partners with the and community in developing informed, responsible and participating members of society. Education includes the development of cultural, social, moral and ethical standards. Our instructional role is to facilitate exploration of career areas, development of skills useful in life and careers, self-directedness, and reflection on experiences. The school atmosphere must be safe, positive, and respectful. Continuous evaluation of programs and performance is a means of providing the highest quality education and training results for students

Contact Southwest Vermont Career Development Center

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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