Get started with Robotics at Foundation for Community Driven Innovation

The Foundation for Community Driven Innovation (FCDI) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting academic achievement, economic development and the spirit of innovation through inspiring programs and active learning projects.FCDI is the founder and developer of the Advanced Manufacturing & Robotics Center (AMRoC) Fab Lab, hosts ROBOTICON Tampa Bay, an annual youth STEAM Showcase event and Gulf Coast MakerCon, Tampa’s original Maker Festival, and facilitates fiscal sponsorship of competitive STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Manufacturing/Math) K-12 teams.FCDI is a member of the federally created ARM Institute , and the Urban Manufacturing Alliance, and founder of the Tampa Bay Advanced Manufacturing & Robotics Center.

Contact Information

Hammock Woods, Tampa, Florida 33556
(813) 728-2822

What Foundation for Community Driven Innovation can offer you.

FCDI supports a range of programs, each serving our mission of academic and community development. Our programs help student robotics teams, contribute to developing economic capacity, and support inspired living and learning experiences.

Contact Foundation for Community Driven Innovation

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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