Get started with Robotics at One Day Academy

Suggested Age 13+ Prerequisites Robot Programming/Scratch Programming (or equivalent) Transition Math or higher Placement exam given by teacher prior to registering PurposeThis course will provide the environment for the student to learn programming while working with robots. In the course we will using the Sphero RVR. This is a robot that builds on what the student has learned in the Robot Programming course. The first half of the course we will be programming the RVR with JavaScript. The fundamentals of JavaScript will be taught while learning to program the RVR. In the second half of the course we will be adding a Raspberry Pi to the RVR. We will be teaching the Python programming language. Each student will be adding sensors and devices to the RVR through the Raspberry Pi. The students will learn how to integrate the Raspberry Pi and the RVR. The year will finish with a team project. Team development is encouraged and required. Students will work in teams of 2 or 3.

Contact Information

3100 S. New Road, PO Box 151496, Austin, Texas 78715
(512) 461-3334

Contact One Day Academy

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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