Get started with Robotics at Auburn University

Auburn University (AU or Auburn) is a public research and land-grant university in Auburn, Alabama. The Samuel Ginn College of Engineering has a 134-year tradition of engineering education, consistently ranking in the nation's largest 20 engineering programs in terms of numbers of engineers graduating annually. The college has a combined enrollment of close to 4,000. Auburn's College of Engineering offers majors in civil, mechanical, electrical, industrial and systems engineering, polymer and fiber engineering, aerospace, agricultural, bio-systems, materials, chemical engineering, computer science, and software engineering.

Contact Information

1161 W. Samford Ave, Auburn, Alabama 36849
(334) 844-2308

What Auburn University can offer you.

Auburn University offers many technical degrees and engineering degrees including aerospace engineering, biosystems engineering, chemical engineering, computer science, software engineering, materials engineering, industrial engineering, and mechanical engineering. With hands-on learning on campus, students are well prepared for technical careers in the future, or prepared for graduate education.

Contact Auburn University

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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