Get started with Robotics at Baldwin Wallace University

Baldwin Wallace University is an independent, liberal arts & sciences university located in Berea, Ohio, offering bachelor's and master's degrees, certificates and professional education programs. The University fulfills this mission through a rigorous academic program that is characterized by excellence in teaching and learning within a challenging, supportive environment that enhances students' intellectual and spiritual growth.

Contact Information

275 Eastland Rd, Berea, Ohio 44017
(440) 826-2900

What Baldwin Wallace University can offer you.

No matter what your aspiration or interest, BW has opportunities for you to pursue your passion. Complementing the strength of our core curriculum and more than 85 undergraduate programs of study are enriching programs that provide meaningful educational opportunities

Contact Baldwin Wallace University

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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