Get started with Robotics at Mark Cuban Foundation: AI Bootcamps

Founded by Mark Cuban in 2019, the AI Bootcamps Initiative has hosted multiple free camps teaching AI to more than 130 students in 6 cities. This year, we'll teach camps for more than 320 students in 13 cities including Philadelphia, Detroit, Des Moines, and Pasadena. By 2023, 1,000 students will graduate from our AI Bootcamps each year.

Contact Information

PO BOX 12388, Dallas, Texas 75225
(214) 356-4774

What Mark Cuban Foundation: AI Bootcamps can offer you.

Our camps are introductory and accessible to any student with an interest in technology. Students do not need any familiarity with computer science or programming to attend. Our curriculum teaches both concepts and skills. Over the course of four half-days, students learn what AI is and isn't, where they already interact with AI in their own lives, the ethical implications of AI systems, and much more. Students also learn how to use Microsoft's cloud computing tools to build their own AI applications.

Contact Mark Cuban Foundation: AI Bootcamps

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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