Get started with Robotics at Catawba Valley Community College

Catawba Valley Community College promotes student success and quality stakeholder engagement by demonstrating excellence in teaching, instilling a passion for life-long learning, and creating premier economic and workforce development. All CVCC employees are committed to and accountable for a college environment built on a foundation of professionalism, integrity, and ethics, to foster global and diverse perspectives within a safe, secure, and inclusive college community.

Contact Information

2550 US Hwy 70 SE, Hickory, North Carolina 28602
(828) 327-7000

What Catawba Valley Community College can offer you.

Catawba Valley Community College is a comprehensive learning community that provides a multitude of collegiate, industrial/vocational, and life-skills/personal enrichment experiences, empowering all of its constituents to identify and champion higher purposes in their lives and in their communities, value teamwork with a global community by respecting the power of diversity and inclusivity, and live as a contributing member and leader within society.

Contact Catawba Valley Community College

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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