Get started with Robotics at Crosby Electric

We strive to be a different kind of electrical company. We believe you can have everything you want out of life (and your job), if you will just help enough other people get what they want out of life (and their job).We believe people are more important than things. We believe honesty is more important than profit. We believe serving God, family, and others is the key to real success and fulfillment. We believe the same work ethic that has grown this company since 1967 will enable us to deliver superior electrical work to facility managers and contractors for years to come.

Contact Information

6012 E Shirley Lane, Montgomery, Alabama 36124
(334) 530-3880

What Crosby Electric can offer you.

For over four decades the Crosby Electric construction team has been providing contractors and owners with quality electrical construction services. Our wide range of construction experience spans from large schools (4M plus electrical), to critical neonatal hospital additions, to tedious Air Force Hangar installations, to the complete electrical design and installation of tier 1 automotive industrial facilities.

Contact Crosby Electric

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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