Get started with Robotics at Central Virginia Community College

Central Virginia Community College, a two-year institution established as a member of the Virginia Community College System, provides State-supported educational facilities beyond the high school level for the cities of Lynchburg and Bedford and the counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, and Campbell. The curricula and programs of the College serve more than 228,000 people within this geographical jurisdiction. With academic excellence as its aim in all areas, the College offers various programs to meet the diverse needs of the region it serves. Its two-year college transfer programs in arts and sciences and in certain pre-professional areas lead to associate degrees and offer courses generally acceptable for transfer to four-year institutions. Its occupational and technical programs lead to diplomas, certificates, or associate of applied science degrees and are designed to prepare individuals for certain professions. Its other programs, including developmental work, special training for industry, and community service, offer instruction commensurate with the needs of individuals, groups or the general public.

Contact Information

3506 Wards Road, Lynchburg, Virginia 24502
(434) 832-7632

What Central Virginia Community College can offer you.

CVCC offers a variety of certifications, certificates, and degrees for careers in STEM. Explore our programs by selecting an option on the right.Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math(STEM) programs offer students training for competitive and lucrative careers in a growing and global economy, preparing them to be on the cutting edge of scientific and technological innovations and research in theory (designing) and practice (building). Students in STEM careers are likely to be innovators, inventors, collaborators, logical thinkers, and problem solvers.

Contact Central Virginia Community College

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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