Get started with Robotics at Pikes Peak State College

Pikes Peak State College was established in 1968 as El Paso Community College, a two-year college offering three associate degrees. Operating out of rented buildings in Old Colorado City, first-year enrollment was roughly 800 students. The first graduation was held in April 1970 at Bancroft Park, yielding 17 associate degrees and 70 certificates.

Contact Information

5675 S. Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906
(719) 502-3221

What Pikes Peak State College can offer you.

We have as many dreams here as we do students, and they come in every variety: high school grads, veterans, single moms, factory workers, jocks, artists, geeks, book worms and retirees from every race, ethnicity and age. Together, we create a supportive learning environment and a sense of belonging for those who want to build a better future while staying close to home and for travelers on their way from here to everywhere.

Contact Pikes Peak State College

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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