Get started with Robotics at Swarthmore College

Our campus thrives on open dialogue, shoulder-to-shoulder discovery, face-to-face exploration. Whether in the classroom or the dining hall, in your dorm or the fitness center, conversations here tend to challenge, inspire, and enlighten. Mention your latest project to fellow Swatties—even if they don't share your major—and they’ll want to know more about it.

Contact Information

500 College Ave, Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania 19081
(610) 328-8314

What Swarthmore College can offer you.

Aside from offering one of the most vigorous academic experiences in the world, what’s unique about learning at Swarthmore? Your first semester is pass-fail, so you can learn for learning’s sake. We have a one-of-a-kind Honors Program. And where else can you explore a liberal arts curriculum paired with an accredited engineering program?

Contact Swarthmore College

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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