Get started with Robotics at Fomoro AI

We’re a team of researchers and engineers who love solving hard problems. We’ve worked in research and industry settings on a variety of challenges. We’re passionate about sharing and learning. That’s why we created the largest research paper reading group in the Bay Area, the Deep Learning Study Group which has over two thousand members. We also speak at meetups and conferences. Email us ( to check availability.

Contact Information

San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94112
(000) 000-0000

What Fomoro AI can offer you.

Advanced classes on technical topics and process development as it relates to your projects. Grow your in-house talent. We provide ongoing ML mentorship of team members to enable them to transform into experts.

Contact Fomoro AI

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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