Get started with Robotics at Knox College

We're a community that does the hard, inspiring, sometimes bewildering daily work of making sense of the big picture. We're also a community that puts the big picture together. We're on the ground in neighborhoods and organizations around the world, doing research, making connections, breaking down boundaries, building the future.

Contact Information

2 East South Street, Galesburg, Illinois 61401
(309) 341-7211

What Knox College can offer you.

We come from all walks of life, from all parts of the globe, bringing radically different stories and experiences and ideas to a handsome campus in Western Illinois. Our talented faculty -- 97% hold the most advanced degrees in their fields of study -- are committed to your education, beginning with First-Year Preceptorial.

Contact Knox College

Take the first step towards your career in robotics in manufacturing! All of the training on has been vetted by industry experts and will give you the skills that employers need.

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